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Personal Growth

The Importance of Goal-Setting and Its Impact On Your Success

importance of goal-setting
I'm Steph!

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Have you ever sat at your desk, stared at nothingness, and wondered, “What the heck am I doing with my life?” 

You’re not alone. Many people, including aspiring entrepreneurs, have found themselves in a similar situation. At some point in our lives, maybe a time or two, we probably have asked ourselves, “What’s my purpose in life?” “What’s my purpose here at work?”

I was in that same boat years ago, wondering how to break free from my then 9-5 to become my own boss…and what steps I needed to take to get there.

Lou Holtz once said:

“If you’re bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things, you don’t have enough goals.”

And while I wasn’t bored with my life, I do agree with her that there needs to be set goals that align with your interests, to give you a sense of direction and purpose. In this article, I’ll cover the following:

  • What does setting goals mean
  • The importance of goal-setting
  • An effective way of establishing goals
  • How you can make goal-setting more enjoyable

What Is Goal-Setting?

importance of goal-setting: a woman writing her goals in a notebook

Goal-setting is the process of building a roadmap for your life or your business. It includes planning what you want and then identifying how to achieve it. 

Types of Goals

But before anything else, you must first know the different goal types: 

  • Performance goals. They are more like milestones and help you measure progress toward your big goal. 
  • Process goals. These are your habits and routines. They are daily or weekly tasks you do to reach your outcome goals.
  • Outcome goals. These are your big-picture goals. It’s the “build a 6-figure coaching business” or “achieve financial freedom.” 

Knowing these three will give you a solid foundation in setting goals effectively.

Why Are Goals Important?

Here are some of the benefits of goal-setting: 

Purpose and Direction

According to a Harvard Review Business study, 14% of people with goals are ten times more successful. 

Your career and personal goals serve as your compass. They give you a clear direction for today, tomorrow, and the future. And without them, you’ll be drifting aimlessly in life – like a boat lost at sea. 

Mental Well-Being 

Do you remember that anxiety-riddled feeling you’d get when you’re surprised by those pop quizzes back in school?

Without setting goals for ourselves and an organized plan of action items we want to achieve, everyday can feel like that. 

That’s why setting and achieving goals is more than just external success. It’s also vital for your wellbeing. It’s having a clear plan on what to focus our time and energy on and avoiding unnecessary stress.

And let’s face it – owning a business isn’t for the faint of heart. It can be stressful, and it can be demanding. 

Setting goals isn’t just about steering your business toward success; it’s also about fostering a sense of clarity and focus in your life. 

Having a roadmap can relieve stress, helping you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship more easily. 


Effective goal setting can also boost your confidence and strength. When you set goals, you signal to the universe that you are in control. 

In addition, setting goals can also help build a solid foundation for resilience. Achieving small wins and working your way through setbacks strengthens your character. And this is crucial in building a successful business. 

Create PACT Goals

importance of goal-setting: setting PACT goals

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard about SMART goals. But do you know PACT goals? It’s a fresh take on goal-setting. Let’s discuss what it stands for:

  • Purposeful. Your goals should deeply align with your long-term ambitions to fuel your motivation.
  • Actionable. Make your goals specific tasks you can perform, placing the power to achieve them squarely in your hands.
  • Continuous. Frame your goals as ongoing processes that allow growth and flexibility instead of one-time events.
  • Trackable. Use a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ system to keep tabs on your progress, cutting through the noise of unnecessary metrics.

For example, let’s say you’re trying to escape that 9-5 routine and pursue your dream of becoming an entrepreneur as a health coach.

Simple PACT goals could be: “To achieve my life’s purpose in supporting others to live their best lives as a health coach, I will engage with potential clients on social media, continuously adapt my offerings based on feedback, and track my outreach efforts with a simple checklist.”

Creating achievable goals with concrete steps like this can help you overcome the fear of starting your own business

How to Make Goal-Setting Fun

I totally get it. The idea of goal setting feels like a chore sometimes. But who says they have to be?

Here’s how you can make them more achievable and entertaining. 

Work With a Mentor or Accountability Partner

Having someone to share your journey, ask for feedback, and help you stay on track can change how you interact with your goals. 

In addition, your accountability partner can also be your very own cheerleader, coach, and friend. 

When looking for an accountability partner, make sure that: 

  • They understand you as a person and your goals. 
  • They are committed to growth. 
  • They help you set realistic goals.
  • They are available for weekly or monthly catch-up calls. 
  • They are happy with your success, no matter how big or small. 

Create a Vision Board

Creating a visual representation of the life you want to have will help you stay motivated. It’s not just an act of cutting and pasting pictures. But it’s a powerful manifestation of your desired outcome.

When building your visual board, remember to:

  • Collect images and quotes that are relevant to your goals. 
  • Make it beautiful and pleasing to your eyes. 
  • Put your vision board somewhere visible.  

Gamify Your List

If you like playing video games, I’m sure you know how addicting collecting points or badges and going up another level are. 

Well, you can bring that same feeling into goal-setting. That’s what gamification is. You get the fun elements of a game into real-world tasks. 

In addition, they provide you with a great way to track progress.

So, you can be motivated by getting rewards and making your process more engaging. 

Here are my recommended apps for this: 

  • Todoist. It accumulates Karma points whenever you finish a task on time. 
  • Habitica. This app shows your tasks as little monsters you need to defeat. 

Set Your Goals Today 

I hope you feel more inspired about goal setting!

Remember, setting goals isn’t a chore. It’s crucial for your personal development and business success. Goal setting gives you a clear sense of purpose, empowers your approach to your business, and improves your wellbeing.

Although January is supposedly the best time to start fresh and set goals, I encourage you to do it now. The best time to commit to an action plan and jumpstart your business goals is always now, not later.

And if you trip up, that’s okay. Adjust your plans and try again. But whatever you do, never give up. 

If you’re an aspiring online coach and need personalized guidance with establishing clear, actionable goals and strategies to launch your business, check out my 12-week program offer. This program is thoughtfully designed for new coaches to launch their businesses and land their first clients.

Let’s Hear From You! 

So, what are your thoughts about goal-setting? Do you have any struggles or tips you’d like to share? Feel free to drop them below! 

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